18 November 2010

from Lawrence, Pub Philosophy Group, Sunday meeting: What makes a person interesting? + News

Dear friends,

This Sunday we are discussing: what makes a person interesting?
This is a rather challenging question since unlike friends and lovers,
an interesting person can quite well be our enemy, or at the very least
someone we might not care for much apart from what we find interesting
in the person.
But what are the advantages of finding a possible enemy interesting,
when all we have to do is make sure we avoid or defeat our enemy?
By definition, if we're interested in something or someone we rightly
expect and even can derive some pleasure from the experience. What kind
of pleasure would this be when we find an enemy interesting? After all
it is not as if we admire an enemy, we probably loath them.
But does "interesting" mean useful or admire. We need not find an enemy
interesting for them to useful for us. And to say we admire our enemies
would require some serious explanation since at face value this idea
does not sit well given the meaning of enemy and admire.
Of course the other side of the coin is that we might be close to some
friend but do not necessarily find them interesting. Our friends need
not be interesting nor useful for us. This is something we accept
without question.
A curious aspect of our topic for Sunday is that we can, at least
theoretically, find an enemy interesting which seems to contradict the
belief that the survival struggle implies that we cannot possibly say
anything positive about our enemies. And our friends who by definition
belong to our inner group might in themselves neither be interesting nor
Which brings me to the supposed Arab saying: better to have your enemies
in your tent pis$ing out, than your friends pi$sing in your tent. And
the Chinese curse, may you live in interesting times.
Which leaves me with a final question, should our lovers also be
interesting people?
In the meantime here are some interesting news from Marga and Carlos:

It is not the topic for the next week (the one about adjectives), but I
send you the origin of a "nice new Spanish adjective" MOSCOSO... ;-))
;-)) ;-)) .... and it seems that it is already in the RAE's dictionary.
How are you, Lawrence?
I hope I can see you this Sunday.
I am enclosing you our invitation to you and the grouops simpatisers, to
our next conference, on November 23rd., very close to where you held the
I will appreciate the difussion.We hope we can see you all on the 23rd..
It will be fun talking about bikes and freedom...
Del 23/11/10
Estimado Socio, Amigo, Simpatizante:
El Club del Hombre Libre te invita a la próxima conferencia-coloquio del
próximo 23 de Noviembre, Martes, a las 20:00, en el Café Comercial, Sala
de Conferencias, (primer piso), Glorieta de Bilbao 7, Madrid 28004.
Esta vez el Ponente es el Sr. Javier Arias, Responsable de Comunicación
del Club Hardley Davidson de Madrid, y el título de la conferencia
será:¨ La Moto: Libertad sobre Dos Ruedas¨.
Al respecto dice Javier: " Durante muchos años, la imagen del motorista
ha estado asociada a numerosas etiquetas. Pero, quizás, la de la
Libertad sea una de las más recurrentes. ¿Porqué se identifica al
motorista como un ser Libre? ¿Cómo se ha llegado a crear esa imagen? Se
cumple?. En mi conferencia trataré de dar respuesta a esas preguntas".
Pero al decir Libertad sobre Dos Ruedas también deberíamos incluir a la
Bicicleta, no?. Pues bien, también nos ofrecerán su punto de vista al
respecto los Sres. Miguel Silvestre, directivo de las Federaciones
Española y Madrileña de Ciclismo, y el Sr. Willy Boulonia, reputado
ciclista que ha dado la Vuelta al Mundo.
Será la Libertad experimentada por los ciclistas diferente a la de los
motoristas? Porqué? Es una búsqueda de las raíces del hombre, la
naturaleza?...Rousseau dixit?
En fin, amigos, una fiesta del conocimiento de una realidad importante
referida a la Libertad, ofrecida por unos expertos de reconocido
prestigio, en un medio ideal como la sala de conferencias del Café
Comercial. Sentados en un ambiente del siglo XIX, viendo desde lo alto
la Glorieta de Bilbao desde nuestra mesa…., con modernos sistemas
multimedia en los que se muestran con fotos y videos la realidad de lo
expuesto…, una gozada.

Santiago, Carlos y el Grupo

El Club del Hombre Libre es una ONG sin ningún tipo de relación con
organizaciones políticas, ideológicas o económicas, que no recibe ningún
tipo de ayuda. Nos dedicamos exclusivamente a promover la Libertad en
todos sus ámbitos. Trabajamos en tres áreas: Actividades Culturales,
Conferencias, y Comisiones de Trabajo. Quieres participar?
Cruzados por la Libertad!
61526804FIVE (note last figure)
Peter is sharing a flat is Mostoles close to public transport; very good
conditions. Central heating and central hot water. There two rooms to
rent out: a single and a double: tel 609257259 (LJCB Note: one of the
rooms might be taken, not sure which one)
Take care and see you Sunday

+++++++++MEETING DETAILS+++++++++
SUNDAY 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Molly Malone's Pub, probably downstairs----
-Email: philomadrid@yahoo.co.uk
-Yahoo group >> philomadridgroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk <
-Old essays: www.geocities.com/philomadrid
- Blog: http://philomadrid.blogspot.com/
photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/photosphilo
tel 606081813
-metro: Bilbao : buses: 21, 149, 147
Tertulia in English with Ignacio and friends: Every Thursday, from 19:30
to 21h, at Moore's Irish Pub, c/ Barceló 1 (metro Tribunal).

from Lawrence, Pub Philosophy Group, Sunday meeting: What makes a person
interesting? + News

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