28 January 2010

from Lawrence, Pub Philosophy Group, Sunday meeting: Hell is other people

Dear friends,

This weekend we will be discussing: hell is other people.

I am sure that we have all experienced such people, however what does it
take for someone to be hell to others. And I don't mean how complex this
hell can be. But rather what motivates someone to create such a situation.

Hell is other people

Hell is a very strong word in English. We usually leave this sort of
semantics for those special occasion when such other words as difficult,
hard, annoying, stressful, unbelievable will not do. So how can people
be such extreme bad news in our life?

And precisely what are the necessary and or sufficient conditions for
someone to be our hell on Earth?

Since we are in hell then by definition one of the necessary conditions
is that the condition is subjective. It is our hell and it is hell by
our standards. Something like going to the dentist; it is our pain, our
toothache and we have to go to the dentist. However, it is sufficient
for one person to be the cause of all the woe.

Even still we must accept that sometimes people can make our life
difficult when they do not have any intention or desire to do so. And
sometimes people make mistakes. It goes without saying that we can cope
and maybe even forgive such bad luck situation in our life.

However, it is usually not these situations that would annoy us so much
that we would label them hell. It is rather situation that have been
brought about by thoughtless or even inconsiderate actions. Maybe even
straightforward selfish actions.

In which case, can we say that hell in our life is but the intentional
or careless actions of others? But if hell is other people, then must
they intend to create hell on Earth for us and even more telling, are we
other people? In other words are we capable of creating hell for others?

Take care



+++++++++MEETING DETAILS+++++++++
SUNDAY 6.00pm – 8.30pm at Molly Malone's Pub, probably downstairs----
-Email: philomadrid@yahoo.co.uk
-Yahoo group >> philomadridgroup-subscribe@yahoogroups.co.uk <
-Old essays: www.geocities.com/philomadrid
- Blog: http://philomadrid.blogspot.com/
photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/photosphilo
tel 606081813
-metro: Bilbao : buses: 21, 149, 147

Tertulia with Ignacio and friends: Every Thursday, from 19:30 to 21h, at
Moore's Irish Pub, c/ Barceló 1 (metro Tribunal).

from Lawrence, Pub Philosophy Group, Sunday meeting: Hell is other people

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